78 / No, you’re not entitled to your opinion

This is issue #78 of Arnes Weekly from

‘sup? ✌🏻


What "Work" Looks Like

2 min · blog.jim-nielsen.com

Jim Nielsen about what work looks like and why work away from a computer can be real work as a tech worker.

What a Healthy Team Looks Like

7 min · hpdailyrant.medium.com

Hà Phan has seven qualities of healthy teams.

Conway's Law

5 min · martinfowler.com

Martin Fowler about Conway's Law, how an organisation structure is reflected in the systems it designs.

How to communicate effectively as a developer

6 min · karlsutt.com

Karl Sutt has some great tactical advice for writing as an engineer.


user-defined iteration using range over func values

11 min · github.com

Russ Cox proposed an iterator in Go.

Do we need a "Rust Standard"?

15 min · blog.m-ou.se

Mara Bos about a possible Rust specification and standard (similar to C or C++).

Shell Script Best Practices

3 min · sharats.me

Shrikant has an opinionated guide to shell scripts.

How Meta, Google, Github and others leverage HTTP conditional requests to build robust REST APIs

19 min · quadratic.fm

Ilija Eftimov has case studies in how tech giants support If-Modified-Since and other HTTP preconditions.

What if the team hates my functional code?

7 min · jrsinclair.com

James Sinclair explains why you should write your code for the right audience, just like a writer.

H.264 is magic: a technical walkthrough of a remarkable technology.

11 min · sidbala.com

Sid Bala explains why H264 is as good as it is.

Passkeys as a tool for user retention

12 min · matduggan.com

Mathew Duggan explains why vendor lock-in is an issue with the new Passkeys standard.

Cutting Room Floor

No, you're not entitled to your opinion

4 min · theconversation.com

Patrick Stokes explains why not everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Elon Musk’s planned Twitter layoffs are imminent

6 min · washingtonpost.com

Faiz Siddiqui, Elizabeth Dwoskin and Gerrit De Vynck explain what’s going on at Twitter in the recent days.

Welcome to hell, Elon

5 min · theverge.com

Nilay Patel explains the trouble Elon will get into with his goals to allow all free speech on Twitter.


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