53 / Generation C

This is issue #53 of Arnes Weekly from

Hey, how was your week? ✌🏻

Tweet of the Week

me: what do you know about atoms?

friend: very little

me: besides that

@Browtweaten on Twitter


Making operational work more visible

7 min · github.com

Lorin Hochstein about the "you build it, you run it" method at Netflix and how to make operational work more visible using meetings and pair programming.

Imposter Syndrome

5 min · blog.rust-lang.org

Jane Lusby about imposter syndrome, especially in the Rust project.

11 Promises from a Manager

12 min · linkedin.com

Matthew Rechs shares a list of promises as a manager. Thanks Jan & Lukas


Shawn Wang / swyx

16 min · infraeng.dev

Will Larson interviews Shawn Wang about developer experience and the overlap with infrastructure.

The Front-End Developer's Guide to the Terminal

29 min · joshwcomeau.com

Josh Comeau has written a guide to the terminal, aimed at frontend developers that have no experience with it.

Go Developer Survey 2021 Results - The Go Programming Language

9 min · go.dev

Alice Merrick shares the results of the 2021 Go Developer Survey — always interesting to get these insights.

Rust traits and dependency injection

7 min · jmmv.dev

Julio Merino about different approaches to dependency injection in Rust.

Cutting Room Floor

Generation C

1 min · seths.blog

Seth Godin has a proposal for naming the next generation.

Internet ‘algospeak’ is changing our language in real time, from ‘nip nops’ to ‘le dollar bean’

9 min · washingtonpost.com

Taylor Lorenz about algospeak and filter algorithms in social networks that change the human language.

I'm a security engineer and I still almost got scammed

8 min · robertheaton.com

Robert Heaton almost got scammed and shares the tactics that were applied in the scam.

Tips for Reading the Room Before a Meeting or Presentation

9 min · hbr.org

Rebecca Knight shares some tipps how to read a room, including do's and don'ts.

My upgrade to 25 Gbit/s Fiber To The Home

13 min · michael.stapelberg.ch

Michael Stapelberg about his super fast 25 Gbit/a connection and what it took to make it work.


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