Arnes Weekly: I could build this during the weekend
Tweet Of The Week
Managers: “you must build more stable software, stop cutting corners, we accept nothing less than perfect code in prod”
Also mgrs: “please yeet this feature I care about directly into prod, I don’t care how you do it as long as it’s there in the next 5 minutes”
Story Of The Week
- Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages — phiresky describes how he built a static site with a SQL-database, all processed on the client.
- I could build this during the weekend — João Alves about how engineers often the miss context when estimating new projects (e.g. forgetting about edge cases).
- Decision Making vs. Decision Understanding — A great writeup by John Cutler about decision making, decision drift and working together in teams.
Software Engineering
- proposal: slices: new package to provide generic slice functions #45955 — Interesting discussion about a generic slice package for Go and what it should look like.
- An Incomplete Explanation of the Proc Macro That Saved Me 4000 Lines of Rust — Marcus Buffett guides you through the creation of a Rust Proc Macro and the gotchas he encountered.
- The Great Rewriting In Rust —Adrian Kosmaczewski dives into the reasons of the many Rust rewrites.
- You might as well timestamp it — Jerod Santo thinks you should always prefer a timestamp instead of a boolean and why.
- The art of solving problems with Monte Carlo simulations — Gabriel Carvalho writes about how Monte Carlo simulations can solve common problems (like calculating π).
- Note on worker pools in Go — Adhityaa Chandrasekar about pools of goroutines and why they too many goroutines can produce performance issues even after the number went down again.
- Branchless Coding in Go — Matt Nakama about improving performance by removing (if-)branches and instead doing binary arithmetic.
Cutting Room Floor
- John Swartzwelder, Sage of “The Simpsons” — No matter if you like the Simpsons or not, this is a great interview by Mike Sacks.
- Where Does a Candle Go When It Burns? — Randall Munroe (the creator of XKCD explains how candles work.
- Bob Cassette Rewinder: Hacking Detergent DRM for 98% Cost Saving — dekuNukem reverse engineers the “Bob Cassettes” for his dishwasher.
- 35 Principles for 35 Years — I love these lists, this time by Shawn Wang.
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