39 / Who Uses To-Do Lists?
Hi everyone, how was your week? ✌🏻
Tweet of the Week
continually amused by blockchain proponents who are fundamentally unable to understand that there exist people for whom money is not the #1 motivator
— @molly0xFFF on Twitter
Async Rust in Practice: Performance, Pitfalls, Profiling
Piotr Sarna explains the process of debugging concurrency issues in a Rust library and their solutions.
Who Uses To-Do Lists?
Arun Prasad makes a counter-argument to the "to-do lists don't work" posts by listing some successful or influential people and how they use(d) them.
@nathanbarry on Twitter
Nathan Barry shares 10 tipps on connecting remote teams. I love the private team stories podcast idea, maybe I'll start something like this.
Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued
Patrick McKenzie teaches you the basics of not-sucking at salary negotiations and the importance of it.
Software Engineering
How We Saved 70K Cores Across 30 Mission-Critical Services
Cristian Velazquez about the impact tuning the Go garbage collector GOGC had on services at Uber.
Hotwire in the real world.
Finnian Anderson explains how their team did HTML-over-the-wire using Turbo/Hotwire and Rails and their experience with it.
A Small Guide for Naming Stuff in Front-end Code
Frank M Taylor has a comprehensive guide on naming things in frontend projects.
Rust in 2022
Nick Cameron (who was on the Rust core team) about the things Rust should focus on in 2022.
Rust 2030 Christmas list: Inout methods
Olivier Faure about a feature they wish Rust had: inout methods, which inherit the mutability status of self
for the return type to get rid of get_x_mut
How Bevy uses Rust traits for labeling
Pascal Hertleif explains how the Rust game engine Bevy uses traits to label systems in a type-safe manner.
Rust Async and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Kevin Hoffmann about their frustrating experience when getting started with the internals of async Rust.
Cutting Room Floor
Oh, 2022!
Charlie Stross about his predictions of 2022 and how he "clearly wasn't pessimistic enough". Make sure you're in a good mood before reading this, it's a bit grim.
The Case Against Crypto
Stephen Diehl talks about some counterpoints against the cryptocurrency-bubble, namely how they don't solve a real problem, they aren't actually currencies and more.
Web3 | No Mercy / No Malice
Scott Galloway about the reality of the so-called web3:
Web3 has different-colored hair, but the same DNA as earlier web paradigms, which decentralized services at an unprecedented scale to centralize wealth and influence at an unprecedented scale. [...] So far, web3 is web2.01.
I Quit!
Zeke Gabrielse quit caffeine after 15 years and tells you about the cold-turkey experience and how it turned out.
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