102 / Stop Using Hamburger Menus

This is issue #102 of Arnes Weekly from

Hi everyone, how was your week? ✌🏻

Toot of the Week

It's called the Metaverse because it has mostly been Met with Averse reactions



The seven programming ur-languages

11 min · madhadron.com

madhadron introduces you to 7 ur-languages with unique characteristics and examples that build on them which are in-use today.

What is Type-Level Programming?

4 min · blog.sulami.xyz

Robin Schroer explains the benefits of type-level programming.

How To Design Software Architecture For Startups

13 min · appventuretime.blog

Christoph Burnicki shares their experience and recommendations designing a software architecture for a startup.

Go with PHP

2 min · gowithphp.com

Mohamed Said argues that PHP is a good language to build with (even in 2023).

Modern iOS Navigation Patterns

7 min · frankrausch.com

Frank Rausch gives an overview of modern iOS navigation patterns.

Where Is the Spring Framework for Go?

4 min · preslav.me

Preslav Rachev is longing for a full web framework for Go and I can't say I disagree.

The .zip TLD sucks and it needs to be immediately revoked.

2 min · financialstatement.zip

Karen makes a point on the dangers of the new .zip and .mov domains.

See this page fetch itself, byte by byte, over TLS

11 min · subtls.pages.dev

George MacKerron built a website that explains how TLS works, by fetching itself.


Stop Using Hamburger Menus

2 min · bt.ht

Brad Taunt provides an alternative to hamburger menus.

Every blend mode explained

5 min · sketch.com

Gabrielle van Welie explains different blend modes and gives real-world examples for some of them.


Why Chatbots Are Not the Future

7 min · wattenberger.com

Amelia Wattenberger explains why chatbots are a terrible interface for LLMs and what to do instead.

Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI"

12 min · semianalysis.com

Dylan Patel and Afzal Ahmad share a leaked document by a Google researcher about the "stable diffusion" moment of LLMs.

Delimiters won’t save you from prompt injection

3 min · simonwillison.net

Simon Willison explains why delimiters (the technique recommended by OpenAI) is not an effective protection against prompt injection.

ChatFished: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People With A.I.

8 min · nytimes.com

Emma Goldberg wrote all her digital communication using ChatGPT for one week and shares her experience.

Cutting Room Floor

The four-day workweek is just the start: Experts say it should be even shorter

9 min · businessinsider.com

Shubham Agarwal has had a four-day workweek for 5 years and shares their experience and recent studies about the benefits.

In Norway, the Electric Vehicle Future Has Already Arrived

8 min · nytimes.com

Jack Ewing explains the effects of 80 % of new-car sales being electric in Norway, proving critics of electric cars wrong.

Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims

18 min · crnkovic.dev

crnkovic takes a closer look at Converso, an app which claims being able to send end-to-end encrypted messages without servers or metadata. Spoiler: There's servers, metadata and you can get everyone's private key. Thanks, Gord!


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